Friday, September 23, 2011

Letter to the Recycling Factory

To whom it may Concern,

The city of Westminster hired me to separate various substances from a complied pile. The items were ground up into a fine powder and can not be phyically separated. The items and their densitys are:
aluminum soda cans: 2.7 g/cm^3
steel cans: 5.7 g/cm^3
milk jugs: .95 g/cm^3
soda bottles: 1.4 g/cm^3

First, separate the steel from the powder. Use the magnets hanging above the conveyor belt to attract the steel from the pile. Since steel is magnetic, it'll shift through the pile and stick onto the magnets.

Second, put the remaining powders in the large tank provided by Mr. Smith. As the powders sink, one will float up. The floating powder is the crushed milk jugs. Then, you'd use the net to skimming nets to pull the milk jug powder out.

Third, I used the the concentration of sugar water to make one type of powder to float. Since the sugar water has a density of 1.5 g/cm^3, the soda can powder will float at the top. Once they rise to the surface, use the skimming nets to obtain the powder.

Lastly, drain the sugar water from the remaining powder which is the aluminum can powder. And finally you have finished.

Cityana Koregma

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